
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is it the death of tabloid journalism?

Ok I always knew that the state of tabloid journalism in South Africa is poor or should I say low? You know on Sundays when you wake up you just wanna go buy a Sunday newspaper and read interesting celebrity news but immediately when you open it you just *yawn*, like are we really subjected to read about Khanyi Mbau every Sunday?? Whenever you open Sunday world- you bound to see her, aren’t there any other celebrities doing other stuff.

This are the times when I miss Cassandra’s natural biting style, I would always read her work while she was still doing Candid Cassandra with City Press, she would tell it like it is and you will want to go back and buy another issue to hear what she has to say for the week.

Hai mina I really don’t know hey, is it the death of tabloid journalism? The other thing that destroys tabloid journalists is to make friends with celebrities; this is something that will affect them in terms of reporting, like it’s a bore to read an article where someone is sucking up like WTF? Excuse my French. Now I’m depending on Just Curious and Jucy SA for entertainment news

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Making friends with celebrities....Very good point. Now you understand where i come from, when i always mention that, South African Journalist, Publicist and Media people like SUCKING UP, wich depressed the hell out on me coz they're the people killing the soul of journalism.

    You (Journos) DON'T suck up to anyone for that matter...

    Anyways, let me stop...So what's your solution LLebz?
